Continuous Infusion Blocks FAQs

You will NOT be pain-free.

Start taking your pain pills the night of the procedure before you go to bed. The initial bolus injection will wear off, and you will start to hurt.

If pain is not controlled

Press the dose button every 30 minutes to receive a bolus of 4ml (no max on boluses given); however, pressing the bolus button more frequently than 30 minutes will not give you additional meds.


If you are too numb

-Hold down the STOP/Start button

-Hold down the on/off button

Your blocked extremity will be numb until after the pump and catheter are removed. Please do not use or weigh the extremity until full sensation and control have returned.


To restart the pump

-Hold down the on/off button

-There will be a series of 4 beeps

-Press and hold the start/stop button

-It will take about 2 hours before pain relief is noticed


Complaints of shortness of breath or inability to take a deep breath, Hoarseness, or cough

– with upper extremity blocks only

-This is normal – It will get better as the block starts to wear off

-If the shortness of breath is too uncomfortable, turn the pump off by holding down the STOP button


Complaints of leaking

-Some leaking may occur

– Apply a small piece of gauze and tape or a washcloth with tape on top of the site

-This will absorb the leaking fluid


Complaints of a droopy or red eye or stuffy nose -with upper extremity blocks only

-Some people may experience this. Try not to worry

-The droopy eye, redness, and or stuffy nose will start to go away as the block starts to wear off


These instructions will be reviewed with you and your caregiver on the day of the procedure, and you will receive a hard copy for your records.

Single Shot Blocks:


You will NOT be pain-free

Start taking your pain pills the night of the procedure before you go to bed. The initial bolus injection will wear off, and you will start to hurt.

If pain is not controlled

-Start taking your prescribed pain meds as directed by your surgeon


Complaints of shortness of breath or inability to take a deep breath, Hoarseness, or cough – with upper extremity blocks only

-This is normal

-It will get better as the block starts to wear off


Complaints of a droopy or red eye or stuffy nose – with upper extremity blocks only

-Some people may experience this. Try not to worry

-The droopy eye, redness, and or stuffy nose will start to go away as the block starts to wear off


Your blocked extremity will be numb for up to 24 hours, maybe longer. Please do not use or weigh the extremity until full sensation and control have returned.


These instructions will be reviewed with you and your caregiver on the day of the procedure and you will receive a hard copy for your records.